Pre-launch Arcade Version of Tekken 7 in February 2nd, 2015

According to the Korean gaming website, Cyfren (click here for the full interview), they had an interview with Tekken director and producer Katsuhiro Harada. A prelaunch version of the Tekken 7 Arcade will be launched on February 2nd next year, and the complete launch version will be released in March.
Here's a glimpse of the interview so far.

Cyfren: "'Is there any characters that have been removed or deleted from the game?"
Harada: "I don't want to use those words but for now, there's plans to add time release characters."
Cyfren: "Any chance of an MMO or AOS Tekken game?"
Harada: "No plans currently, I think we'd better leave that to a NA or Korean company to develop."
Cyfren: "Any plans for a Korean Location test?"
Harada: "Yes there is one! Keep an eye out on my (@Harada_TEKKEN) twitter for the date."
Cyfren: "Can we change colors in customization?"
Harada: "Although that feature (and many others) aren't decided yet, we're still working hard on making them in the game."
Harada also mentioned a new Korean fighter for Tekken 7, but it's not decided if the character will be added.
Harada: "I've talked about it before in a gaming magazine about how I've wanted to add a female Korean fighter into the game but it seems like the Korean players want a handsome new male Korean fighter instead. Nice to see that Hwoarang and Baek's popularity in Korean hasn't risen (laughs). New Korean fighter is not yet decided but for now feel free on sending me what you think of Hwoarang in Tekken 7."

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